With decades of experience as an executive, board member, and consultant to nonprofit organizations, Alan Cantor can help you be more successful. In his work with clients, Al customizes solutions to meet each organization’s specific challenges and needs. Al is also widely recognized as a leading thinker, speaker, and writer about the nonprofit world.





How can Alan Cantor help you?

Candid — Diplomatic — Effective

Al is a respected leader in the nonprofit world and a trusted counselor to the organizations he serves. Al draws from his decades of experience – as well as history, literature, and the wisdom of his grandmother – to help nonprofits understand their challenges and develop innovative solutions.

What Alan Cantor’s Clients Are Saying

[We] would never have gotten to this point without Al’s support and guidance.

“As a young organization, we needed a consultant who could help us develop our fundraising infrastructure.  Al walked us through

Shana Hawrylchak, Executive Director, SEE Science Center
Shana Hawrylchak, Executive Director

On the ‘new information’ scale, Al was a 10.

“Minnesota’s nonprofits are eager to address critical issues facing their organizations, and seek out learning opportunities that address both the

Jon Pratt, Executive Director

Al Cantor has helped our organization level up.

“With remarkable insight, Al Cantor has helped our organization level up. Al understands scale, and was able to survey our

James Sturm, Co-Founder

[Our] planning session couldn’t have gone better.

“Al led our Board of Trustees and staff in a strategic planning session that couldn’t have gone better. Because he

Ann Thompson, Executive Director

Al’s guidance helped turn our organization around.

“Al’s guidance helped turn our organization around. Thanks to his recommendations, we have seen improvements on our board, staff, systems,

Doug Bechtel President New Hampshire Audubon
Doug Bechtel, President

He provided an insightful assessment of where we had been and where we should go.

“Al’s well-honed development experience and innate interpersonal intelligence are unparalleled. He provided an insightful assessment of where we had been

Sarah Palermo, Director, The Campaign for Legal Services
Sarah Palermo, Director

Al approaches complex issues with thoughtfulness, moral clarity, and ardor.

“There are few individuals writing and working in the philanthropic sector today who approach complex, controversial issues with more thoughtfulness,

Ben Soskis, Research Associate in the Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy

Al Cantor worked wonders at our board retreat.

“Al Cantor worked wonders at our board retreat. We had a challenging structural governance issue to address and we were

Anne Galloway, Executive Director

Al has become my go-to guy for sage advice delivered with kindness and humor.

“Al has become my go-to guy for sage advice delivered with kindness and humor. Last year, we bolstered ‘all things’

Erin Fernandez, Executive Director

His work, both in preparing for the retreat and in conducting it, was outstanding.

“Al facilitated a critically important two-day board retreat, where we wrestled with two very big issues. His work, both in

John Molinaro, President and CEO

His work is always meticulously researched and provocative.

“Al Cantor speaks fearlessly about key issues in the nonprofit sector. His work is always meticulously researched and provocative. His

Brian Mittendorf, Chair, Department of Accounting & MIS, Fisher College of Business Distinguished Professor

My copy of Al’s report is well worn from use and reuse.

“My copy of Al’s report is well worn from use and reuse. His work continues to inform our development activities

Rick Swanson Development Director Historical Society of Cheshire County
Rick Swanson, Development Director

I highly recommend Al Cantor.

“Faced with a challenging fundraising goal well beyond my previous experience, I feel so lucky that we got connected with

Elizabeth Stout, Executive Director

Al brought out the best in our staff and board.

“Al invested the time to get to know the people behind our mission and guided us in creating a strategic

Heather Inyart
Heather Inyart , Executive Director

Our only regret is that we didn’t start working with Al earlier.

“We’re grateful for Al’s support and guidance. Our only regret is that we didn’t start working with Al earlier.”

Michelle Ollie, Co-Founder

I never fail to learn something new.

“Al Cantor is one of the most insightful commentators on philanthropy today. I never fail to learn something new and

Ray D. Madoff, Professor Boston College Law School and Author of "Immortality and the Law"