The writer Dorothy Parker had a unique way of answering the phone. Instead of saying hello, she would cry out, “What fresh hell is this?!” I think of that on…
[Note: This is a slight updating of a post I did nine years ago. Alas, the content is still current!] As fairy tales go, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” is…
Nobody who has followed Elon Musk’s rampage through the world of business, social media, and politics would be surprised to learn that his approach to charitable giving has been a…
As we approach this year’s Academy Awards, I’ve been thinking about the best picture of 1957, director Sidney Lumet’s “12 Angry Men.” If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth watching.…
Our grandson Jack is a few weeks shy of turning three, but he’s extremely verbal and bright – or at least this doting grandfather thinks so. During our July family…
[Note: An edited version of this article appeared in Harvard Business Review on October 12, 2022.] If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it, well, a dozen times: “We almost never…
The boarding school I attended recently announced a $25 million gift from one of its trustees. I don’t begrudge my alma mater its big gift. I’ll also note that the…
Here are two sentences you’ll never hear bosses say: The first is, “I’m a terrible micromanager.” The second is, “I really play favorites.” We know these bosses exist – in…
Everyone values the work that nonprofits do. But not everyone values the people at nonprofits who do the actual work. I’ve repeatedly encountered nonprofit boards that fail to invest appropriately…
November marks the tenth anniversary of Professor Ray Madoff’s New York Times op-ed calling for new rules that would accelerate grantmaking from donor-advised funds. Over the years since, as the…